Orange County Literacy 30th Celebration features Story Squad

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Orange Literacy Event  The 30th anniversary celebration of Orange County (NC) Literacy Council was a rousing success, with Maple View Farms ice cream, music by Bland Simpson, and stories by Story Squad.  Over 250 people attended the 2-hour event.  Indeed it was so popular that the organizers ran out of ice cream twice and had to run to Harris Teeter to restock.  In the end, everyone had a great time under a gorgeous Carolina-blue sky and perfect temperatures.  Storytellers Nan, Pressley, and Mark stole the show with their rousing renditions of folktales from around the world.  Nan told a Hungarian folktale about a young boy who learns two magic words that help him marry the princess at the palace; Pressely shared an Argentinian story called, Medio Pollito, about a half-chick whose bravery and persistence win the day, and get him some wheat to take home to his family; and Mark shares a story from Myanmar about a dragon who is rudely awoken from deep slumber when a squirrel drops an acorn on his nose, and he has to trace back the real cause of the problem (rabbit’s twitchy nose).Orange Literacy Event 3