Storytelling to Bring “Hidden Voices” to Life

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Brian Sturm gave a pre-conference workshop for the National Storytelling Summit in Kansas City on the ways in which stories can bring hidden voices to life.  He discussed folktales as vehicles for resistance to hegemonic forces and dominant voices; he explored the role storytelling can play in business branding and marketing and the voices and faces that are not included in those stories; and he explained how students in his first-year seminar at UNC built on these concepts to develop personal stories of resistance, struggle, and triumph over the forces of repression, racism, and bigotry that exist in modern American society.  The attendees came from all over the world and brought their own stories of how they use storytelling to reveal and heal social injustice and inequity.  What an experience!  The conversation was amazing; the caring was inclusive and expansive; and the feedback was wonderful: “This was truly one of the highlights for me of this years’ conference” and “I, too, had a moving experience in the gathering with Brian and all of you.  From my perspective there was much wisdom in the room, and I appreciated how Brian set the tone for us to share our specific gifts & abilities.  It’s one of the best conference experiences I have had in a long time.”