Story Squad joins the Northside Elementary Read-a-thon

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Story Squad was invited back to the Northside Elementary School Read-a-thon for third annual visit. Director, Brian Sturm shared folktales from several countries, including an Anansi story from Africa (though not the ones from the books he’s holding in the photo). We piled in the entire second grade.  After the stories, the children got to ask questions, and Ms. Cole, the school librarian and Read-a-thon coordinator set the boundary that they could NOT ask the storyteller’s age.  So the questions started coming in: “What’s your favorite story?” “What’s your favorite planet?” (the image behind Dr. Sturm shows their current unit) “What’s your favorite book character?” and then a really hard one, “What’s your favorite quote?”  As the questions wound down, one child wanted to ask a final question…and, of course, it was “How old are you?”  Children are such treasures!  It’s wonderful to see them push boundaries (especially when it’s gently).